Treatment of feet valgus in children in the age of 1 year and a bit larger which leads to a prognosis favorable — the probability of full resolution of the problem approaches 100%.

Among the orthopedic diseases in children the change of foot is the most common pathology. Represents a curvature of the lower limb in the inner side. It develops under the influence of several external and internal. The shape of the foot: the displaced from the axis, the heel looks on the outside, on the inside of the surface of the foot inward, deformed fingers. When strongly compressed knees distance between ankles is of 4-5 cm

When detected late, in advanced cases of the disease in adolescence have a problem with the spine. The treatment begins, the less likely a complete recovery.


Deformation of foot in children is an abnormality, congenital or acquired disease. In all cases, it is the incorrect location of the stop relative to each other. Changes lead to the fact that the main load when walking, falls on the inner surface of the foot. The presence of symptoms in children up to 3 years says about the changes in the phase of pregnancy. The diagnosis is made by a surgeon orthopedic after an exhaustive study.


The factors that are the impetus for the development of the pathology are:

  • the lack of food.
  • a bad diet;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body (a deficiency of calcium and/or vitamin D), which leads to brittleness and softness of the bone tissue;
  • in the early standing the child on their feet;
  • mismatched shoes;
  • often acute infections;
  • the injured ankle;
  • immobility prolonged of the lower extremities due to being in plaster.

If the child begins early to walk (up to 1 year) or is forced to parents, in many cases, the deformed foot. At an early age is the formation of ligaments, which often are not willing to charge.


Congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in children — tension that develops during the pregnancy of his mother, and appear after birth. The degree of curvature in the case of congenital hallux valgus is very pronounced. This is due to a variety of defects of individual elements of the musculoskeletal system, alterations in genes or chromosomes. Break the bones of the foot and the form of uterus. Deformation of the stop is already evident in the first months after the appearance of a baby in the world.

An example is the genetic disorder of the syndrome of Edwards – abnormality of a particular chromosome, that lies heavy, the degree of curvature of the foot of the baby to stop rocking.

Other causes of congenital valgus foot, the child applies a number of pathologies, which are diagnosed in the first few weeks of life:

  • in 80% of cases connective tissue with dysplasia congenital hip injury;
  • myodystrophy;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • polio and other infections of the Central nervous system;
  • neuropathy – disease of the peripheral nerves.

The acquired form is the result of exposure to one or more factors after birth. Initially, the main reason is the weakness of the apparatus of the foot, which is a violation of their correct position. This disease is diagnosed in the first days after birth. In the development of the pathology can be affected by:

  • prematurity or born with small body mass;
  • excess weight in children;
  • endocrine pathology (diabetes, hypothyroidism);
  • of metabolic disorders (osteoporosis, disorders of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism).


Foot pain at the end of the day – the most common complaint of a child with the deformity. Objectively pathology reveals the following common features:

  • unstable motion at the time of walking from side to side;
  • the education in the single blisters;
  • constantly divorced the fingers;
  • difficulties when trying to put the heels together.

Is determined by three types of disease:

  1. Cross — extension of the forefoot with the expressed tension of muscles and tendons responsible for straightening the fingers. This makes the child pain.
  2. Longitudinal — shows change of gears, the shape of the feet (if palpation there is severe pain), the fatigue of a long stay on their feet, because of the discomfort and pain.
  3. Combo.

Develop mainly two types of deformity:

  • X-direct, tight knees the distance between the inner surfaces between the ankles is greater than 5 cm, the feet as if looking outside);
  • varus – Or form.


There are four stages to the disease:

  • And — from a mild form of the disease is characterized by a deformity of the foot not more than 15°, are well treated;
  • Phase II — bending of up to 20°, is applied for therapeutic treatment;
  • III degree — deformation of up to 30°, requires a lot of therapy intensive;
  • Stage IV — severe – deviation from the norm is more than 30°.


Deformity of the big toe, there may be pathology. The curvature of the first finger of the foot depends on the extent of the pathology. The correction of the bone is carried out using:

  • physio treatment;
  • installation orthoses;
  • the method of operation.


Correction changes of the feet in children involves the restoration of the normal position of the joints, muscles and ligaments of the feet. The aim of the treatment is the possibility of walking without pain and discomfort. Therapy must be comprehensive. For the treatment of valgus of the foot the child uses:

  • conservative;
  • operations;
  • an alternative method (osteopathy – allows you to heal almost any, except for the induced genetically, pathology).

Conservative includes:

  • medication;
  • kinesiotherapy;
  • orthotics;
  • physiotherapy.


Medical drugs in a X in the form of non-compliance of the lower extremities are used to relieve the inflammation and pain of the joints. The Nsaids (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) or corticosteroids is assigned with symptomatic objective. Are short-term, dangerous for children side effects.


Modern treatment is kinesiotherapy is an innovative method of treatment and prevention of diseases of the locomotor system. It is based on the effects on the muscles by means of a special tape – kinesiotherapy. The method name formed from two words: "kinesiot" means movement, "teip" – real tape. Is to apply a special tape material, elastic adhesive, does not cause allergies. Method teip developed from a few years ago a doctor Japanese Kenzo KASE for the treatment of sports injuries. In the future is widespread. Kinesiotherapy with hallux valgus in children is widely used in recent years. This is due to the safety methods: when used with no restriction of movement, of discomfort, of not having allergies.


The fabric that is made teip:

  • it has a structure of fibers;
  • good air permeability;
  • does not absorb the sweat;
  • does not cause pain or discomfort;
  • not to hinder the movement;
  • not afraid of the water you can swim without removing the tape.

The correct gluing teip speeds up the recovery of joints, ligaments and muscles without the use of drugs that can stop the progression of changes pathological. This safe method helps you to:

  • the cessation of the pain;
  • to avoid further progression of the disease;
  • a complete healing.

Rules kinesiotherapy:

  • teip applies only to clean, dry skin;
  • for prolonged use kinesiotype need the edges to make it round;
  • after sticking teip ground, activating it.


In the flat of the arch of the foot, changes in the muscle tissue, which leads to the interruption of the circulation of the blood, and in the future – for the development of irreversible processes. Therefore, the massage is an indispensable part of the treatment. This is one of the physiotherapeutic methods of influence. Special skills for its implementation is not necessary, so that you can make at home. The course is 10 sessions, if it is necessary, it is recommended to repeat every 3-4 months. The total time for a session is 20-30 minutes. We need to start with a massage, the General – the child lying on the belly with stretched along the body hands and turned to the side with the head. The movement and the pressure on the hand must hurt.


Baby massage:

  • back;
  • the lumbar region;
  • the buttocks;
  • the muscles and joints of the feet, the feet.

Use the following methods:

  • strokes;
  • rubbing;
  • knead;
  • Pat;
  • blows the back of his hand;
  • pinching;
  • to shake.

The use of massage must:

  • to eliminate the increased tone of the musculature of the foot and of the leg;
  • to help you get rid of unnecessary stress;
  • strengthen the muscles weak, which contributes to the good working of the whole muscular system;
  • to improve the flow of blood to the muscles, ligaments, bones – strengthens his power, and normalizes the growth and development of the lower limbs;
  • to cure the disease in the early stages.

The baby in less than 2 weeks of this method removes the most serious health problems, including dysplasia of the hip. In this case, structural therapy is especially developed the technique of the spot and vibration massage. With your help, redistribute the load on the joints. Comments – improve the circulation of the blood and the disappearance of the pain.

PHYSICAL therapy

The use of physical therapy in hallux valgus in children allows to correct disturbances in the joints and cure the disease in its early stages. Widely used:

  • foot bath;
  • wrapping a drop of wax;
  • electrophoresis of calcium;
  • amplipulse therapy(effects on the body of the sinusoidal currents generated by the apparatus Amplipulse);
  • wear the appropriate footwear;
  • swimming therapeutic;
  • physiotherapy;
  • the magnetic therapy.


In the early stages of the deformity the child is treated with specific exercises. Its regular use helps to correct almost all the disorders in the joints. The elements of gymnastics medical that has to be done every day. The goal of the physical therapy course individually, depends on the deformation. Included elements of the game that the child can carry items many times.

Daily need:

  • to walk on toes and heels (the first that was raised, and then compressed toes) for 5 minutes;
  • to compress and decompress the toes sitting on the floor with legs outstretched;
  • to pick up small objects;
  • walk barefoot on uneven surface (this can be done at home on the pebbles, ), in the outer edge of the foot;
  • roll the foot roller or a small ball of wood;
  • rotate the foot from left to right and Vice versa;
  • squat without lifting feet to the ground.

Child needs:

  • walking down a narrow path – you can make at home from fabric or just draw;
  • walking to the sidewalk on the street and in the summer, barefoot in the dirt, sand, grass.


Mismatched shoes, over time, can deform the foot and bend the big toe. Quality shoes contributes to the normal development of the muscles of the foot. When it is selected, it must be borne in mind:

  • compliance with the size of the feet, convenience and comfort;
  • manufacturer of natural materials;
  • there is no sharp nose and the heel of the Shoe for a teenager.

Shoes must have a closed rigid heel arch support. It is not allowed to extend the use of sandals without heel fixed.

For the treatment of foot recommended special orthopaedic devices

  • the template;
  • retention;
  • bandage;
  • bus.


The best prevention of problems with your feet — walking barefoot. This must be done not only at the level of the surface (floor), but also on rough terrain. If there is no opportunity for the child to run along the ground, grass and different times, the alternative is the Swedish wall, which parents can buy and mount in the nursery of the child. Works the muscles and ligaments of the foot, while climbing. Recommended to walk barefoot baby mats with convex elements, which can be bought in baby store or orthopedic lounge.



The treatment of club feet in children, is in charge of a conservative. Radical intervention is used when there is no effect of the treatment of older children, where the base of the locomotor system is formed, there is no active growth of ligaments. Surgical correction consists of several stages of surgeries and long rehabilitation period, which will be held in the fourth stage of the disease:

  • intense pain in the foot constantly worried;
  • develops the rigidity (stiffness) of the joint.

Direct surgical intervention much. Therefore, the operation is scheduled based on the extent of the disease of the foot, the presence of the deviation angle of the limb.


Sore feet lead to a change in all the apparatus the musculoskeletal. This is due to the uneven load. Occurs:

  • shortening or deformity of the feet;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis at different spine.

The child:

  • spoil the leaves;
  • it is impossible for physical activity (Jogging, active games) because of pain and inflammation in the joints.