Why hurt the muscles of the back and what you can do

If you are experiencing pain in the muscles of the back, the reasons may be different. The back of a man from the occiput to the sacrum is completely covered by muscle and is very physical activity. Why hurt the muscles of the back?

Pain and of the crisis in the joints over time can lead to terrible consequences - for local or full restriction of movement in the joint until the disability. The people, taught by bitter experience of the care of the joints are natural remedy that is recommended by the rheumatologist.

Diseases of the spine

They were subject to a 85% of the population. Affect the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, spinal cord, trunk, roots of the spinal nerves, veins, arteries, capillaries, ligaments, muscles. The most common diseases: osteochondrosis, spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, arthrosis, scoliosis.


The enemy of the spine
Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the spine, leading to degenerative lesions and destruction of bone tissue, intervertebral discs, vertebral articular cartilage as a result of:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • a bad diet;
  • the excess of weight;
  • injuries;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excess of loads;
  • stress, etc.

Anatomical and morphological transformations of the vertebral column, their pathological mobility infringed the nerves, soft tissues, spinal roots and blood vessels.

Occurs pain.


  • posture;
  • the decrease of the mobility in the vertebral joints (inability to straighten 100%, turn towards);
  • the reduction of the sensitivity of the skin, numbness, tingling.

To relieve the burden on a modified column muscles reflexively tense up (compressed). With time, a constant tension causes another muscle pain. The nature and the location of the pain They are influenced by the distribution area:

  1. In the case of cervical degenerative disc disease, when the compression of the veins and arteries, the pain paroxysmal, burning, throbbing. The location is often a face – to the back of the head, the other part of the head.
  2. If thoracic degenerative disc disease, the symptoms of which often resembles other diseases (internal organs, for example), the pain is sharp in nature, similar to myocardial infarction, or gradual, incremental, similar to pneumonia, but the absence of cough and fever. Concentrates on who inter costas area to the shoulder blade and the upper part of the abdomen.
  3. When lumbar osteochondrosis, muscle pain lumbar sudden, with pain in the back. Pain in the muscles of the lumbar region and legs, with the recoil in the groin and the pelvis.

In the complicated version, with intergrowth of the vertebrae, the pain is reduced or disappears.

Additional symptoms
With cervical osteochondrosis, in addition to the fact that the pain in the muscles and the back and the neck, with symptoms of hypoxia: dizziness, nausea, headaches, migraines, loss of surveillance, the sensitivity of the hands and the shoulder, shortness of breath, limitation of cervical mobility. In adulthood, the possible sudden loss of consciousness, extreme version – paresis and paralysis of the hands.

If thoracic degenerative disc disease — cough, "lump" in the throat, difficulty swallowing, bending, raising of the hands, hypertension, pain in the heart area.

While degenerative lumbar disc disease, the lack of sensitivity of the skin, paresis and paralysis of the legs, the men – difficulties with urination and erection, in women – the menstrual cycle.

To what doctor to address, the diagnostics
For the similarity with other symptoms of the disease to the sick people go to the therapist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist. This takes time, causes complications. The relevant doctor is a neurologist.

2 methods of diagnosis:

  • laboratory: General and biochemical blood tests;
  • instrumental: x-ray of the spine in 2 projections, MRI, CT and biopsy with light microscopy.

The results of the research are selected options and therapeutic techniques. Treatment of degenerative disc disease If there is muscle pain in the back, conservative and surgical treatment. Conservative in common:

  1. The medication. Is assigned at the time of the crisis. The use of Nsaids, muscle relaxants, hondoprotektory, vitamins b, E, angioprotectors, glucocorticoids, biogenic stimulators.
  2. Physiotherapy. For electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, physical therapy, etc. the healing process is faster.
  3. The Spa treatment. Indeed in remission.
  4. Diet. During the crisis, the need to eat small portions 5-7 times a day, eliminating fried, choose boiled and steamed food. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

If inefficacia methods of performing surgery: remove intervertebralis herniation or intervertebral disc replacement by a implant of silicone (prosthesis).

Diseases of internal organs

Sometimes the muscle pain occurs on the background of diseases of internal organs:

  • The gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, perforated ulcer, pathology intestinal);
  • pancreas (chronic inflammation of the pancreas, chronic pancreatitis);
  • the gallbladder (acute cholecystitis);
  • liver (colic);
  • respiratory (pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, renal colic), gynecological diseases (myomas, inflammation of uterine appendages, endometriosis);
  • cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, aortic aneurysm).
The pain radiates from the bodies in the back, and says diffundit (reflected).

The type of pain, the concentration
When violations of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gallbladder and liver pain location – in the stomach, to the right, with irradirovaniem in the lower part of the back and neck of the bone, a little below the shoulder blade. In biliary colic the pain covers the right shoulder, shoulder blade, neck, belly. When the inflammation of the gland of the prostate that surround the pain.

In the diseases of gynecological and genitourinary apparatus muscles are low back pain. Severe pain in the abdomen and genitals, diffundit in the back on two sides, on the background of frequent urination, evidence of renal colic.

In diseases of the respiratory system on a background of heat diffundit pain in the back, below the shoulders and the chest, scelesto cough.

Back pain, on the left, which extends to the left arm and neck, the evidence of the pathologies of the cardiovascular system.Back pain

And symptoms related to
Full of nausea, heartburn, vomiting, hyperhidrosis. The muscles of the abdominal wall is compressed, making the abdomen hard.


Mechanical damage

Having the largest diffusion of the cause. You can get:

  • athletes in training due to an incorrect calculation of the gravity or weight;
  • children with excessive mobility;
  • divers when hitting the water.
  • pregnant women;
  • young mothers in raising the child;
  • when lifting weights or increased physical loads;
  • with intense movements;
  • in the fall, especially from a height on your back or landing on the feet, so that you can get a compression injury of the vertebrae;
  • when the mechanical shock from the outside — blunt force, blast, etc.

Main symptoms: sore back muscles along the spine and place of injury, it swells. Because of the lesion of blood vessels is bleeding in the soft tissues, blues and purples.

Types of pain, the location
Damage due to an injury of the spine lead to dull, diffuse pain at the site of the injury, without a clear definition of the concentration. In the injuries leading to torn ligaments without displacement or fracture of the spinous processes, the pain is sharp, focuses in the area of the spinous and transverse processes of fracture in the region of the injured bone.
Additional symptoms
Damage to the thoracic region, loss of sensation in the extremities, ataxia, pain in region of heart, during inspiration.


Who to contact, diagnosis
You should get an appointment with a traumatologist, even if the damage seems insignificant. The effects of the injury that may appear later.

It is a visual inspection of the clinical history, the study of the disease, is assigned a ct scan, chest x-ray. In the results of the diagnosis, the treatment most lead neurosurgeon and forever. Recommended treatment With a lesser evil is shown to rest, the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments and gels. Bed rest to gradually replace small loads, trying not to reboot.

The helminth infections, especially echinococcosis

Uncommon cause. Echinococcosis is a parasitic diseasecaused by larval stage of tapeworm Echinococcus. The infection occurs:

  • the contact with the pets, worms;
  • while eating fecal pollution animal fruits, vegetables, fruits, vegetables;
  • the water from natural sources containing helminth eggs.

Spreading with the blood through the body, which affects the internal organs, which form a part capsule, the cysts in the form of a bladder Cyst may contain up to 10 liters, to achieve a few pounds, not to form a year. Overgrown cysts lead to progressive destruction of the organ affected, up to its atrophy. Cyst rupture can cause anaphylactic shock.

Cause muscle pain of the back most often is hydatid disease of the spinal cord or kidneys.

Types of pain, the location
The initial phase is asymptomatic. With the growth of cysts is changing.

When hydatid cyst of the spinal cord from the compression of the bladder body and arch vertebral and the spinal cord appears at the waist a sharp pain concentrated in the chest region, increasing in the time of vigorous movements. The mobility of the spine is reduced, rectum, back muscles to thicken, take the form of a roller, during the palpation of the spinous processes of the spine painful.

And symptoms related to During the helminthiasis of the spinal cord feels pain in the extremities. When hydatid cyst of the kidney — fatigue, lack of appetite, weight loss, discomfort. In a later phase added renal colic, exacerbation of pyelonephritis, difficulty in urinating, disturbances of the mobility of the kidney, palpable tumor circular shape in the area of hypochondrium. Doctor Often people turn to allergists, internists, neurologists, infektsionistam that does not bring relief.

The treatment is surgical intervention, the attending doctor is a neurosurgeon.

Diagnosis of helminthiasis
The main methods are:

  1. CT. Can detect tumors in the spinal canal.
  2. Myelography. Enter in intercavernous channel of the spine, an agent of contrast allows you to take pictures (myelogram).
  3. An analysis of blood . The reaction of passive hemagglutination.
For accurate diagnosis an important medical history about your current contact with animals, drinking water from natural sources, the visits of the forests, etc.

Use the treatment
So what should be done if the pain of the muscles of the back? Treatment of the spinal canal is the elimination of compression vertebral arches (laminectomy), the emptying of the bladder, the removal of its outer shell, machining of the cavity is 2.5% iodium solution, then salt and sodium thiosulfate.

Cysts infected kidneys removed, if necessary, resection, or nephrectomy. After a surgical treatment in order to avoid the contamination are appointed by antihistamines.

Autoimmune diseases

One of the most difficult reasons. Autoimmune myositis is an inflammation of the muscle is striated derived from the perception of the immune system of the cells of the muscle fibers to threaten the health of the agents and the destruction of their connective membranes. May be affected by a muscle (the local, myositis) or more (priapism). If the affected skin is dermatomyositis. Autoimmune myositis occurs independently and in the background of the current system pathologies: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma.

The main symptoms are muscle weakness, tension and inflammation of muscles, muscular pain, limitation of movements of the diseased hard to get up out of bed, to use. Autoimmune

The type and location of pain
The pain is dull, not intense. Increases with the temperature, the movements. In some cases, disappears completely. Is concentrated in the region of the affected muscles.
Auxiliary symptoms
Perhaps a local increase of the temperature. When pascebantur of the muscles of the neck, difficult swallowing, muscles of the chest and diaphragm — difficult cough, breathing.

In Dermatomyositis, the skin is edematous. Emerge purple-red nodules or patches, severe itching. Who to contact, how to diagnose Autoimmune myositis can diagnose and treat rheumatologist. The inspection of the patients, the clarification of the complaints and the presence of diseases of systemic. Electromyography is appointed.

Treatment methodsTreatment contains the usage:

  • steroidal anti-inflammatory hormones;
  • immunosuppressants that suppress the immune response;
  • extracorporeal methods of treatment hemosorption, plasmapheresis;
  • Nsaids.

During the exacerbation of disease by intravenous vitamins and antitoxic solutions. After the relief of the condition usually prescribe medical massage and physical therapy.