Back pain below the waist: what it is

Back pain below the waist bothers many people. The ignorance of all the manifestations of the syndrome of pain, called "sciatica", although this is completely wrong. Pain below the waist can be caused by a number of reasons and carry different character, he also has an impressive list of diseases that manifest this symptom.

Much depends on the exact nature of the pain and its location. To determine the reason why a lower back pain, can only be a specialist. But in the first place, it is necessary to understand to what doctor to address, to solve the problem.


A brief list of the possible causes of pain below the waist:

  • Low back pain. The disease is observed in dystrophic lesions of the discs between vertebrae and the bodies vertebral.
  • The spondylosis is osteoarthritis of the joints between the vertebrae.
  • Tumors of the spine. The primary Tumor and metastasis (the result of the development of the tumor in a different organ or system).
  • Fracture of the spine.
  • Infection in the area of the vertebrae and discs.
  • If there is any problem in the organs located in the pelvis, may exhibit the described symptom.
  • The interruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Problems with the circulation of the blood in the spinal column.
  • Abnormal metabolism, causing total damage of bones.
  • Diseases inflammatory non-infectious origin.


Most often acute pain in the lumbar region occurs in different strains. Central pain syndrome are long muscles of the back. Constant spasms in the end, lead to limitations in movement. For this reason, the back pain in the lower back and the pain experienced in the legs and groin area.


Often the pain occurs because of these obvious reasons that can't be ignored: a fracture of the vertebrae. Some people think that this happens rarely, but, in fact, you can gain a fracture even with a simple fall on his feet. Especially in cases in which there is already some changes in the spine and the bones themselves are fragile.

Offset disks

Following an idea of the common cause of which causes a sharp pain. In the lumbar intervertebral discs are displaced. The symptom is very strong: the people can not move.

Facies syndrome

In principle, it rarely leads to the manifestation of acute pain in the lower part of the back, as a symptom it is possible. Are the so-called the nerve roots in the spinal canal. If there is no compression in the output of the column, a symptom is manifested.

Abscess Epidural

Serious illness, which in some cases is the pain below the waist. Most often this disease develops in the thoracic spine, the pain and symptoms are localized there. But, when you run the process, you can also give in the lumbar region. The disease requires surgical treatment immediately.

Chronic pain: less scary, but dangerous


Chronic back pain always manifest themselves not so much as sharp. But the pain is still impossible to ignore: if there is pain, and then the body that something is wrong. While the person who ignores his condition and try to treat it with traditional methods, the disease progresses.

Lumbar pain or to read more about lumbago

Often pain syndrome of a chronic nature in this area is inherent in the people over middle age and elderly. But the youth of today are also faced with this painful symptom. This condition is called "lumbago".

The pain arises provided the increased physical activity, even with an awkward movement. It is very permeates the body, that man can at some time be frozen in the position in which it is located.

Possible causes of lumbago:

  • sciatica (but not always, and this is the cause of the described symptom);
  • hernia in the lower part of the back;
  • there was a change of one or more vertebrae;
  • it could have been one of the intervertebral disc (maybe with heavy loads on the spine);

The pain is sharp and acute, many characterize it as "lumbago" in the back. She not only gets to move and even to breathe hurt. If you stretch yourself and spend some time in peace and quiet, the symptom of decrease.

Pain below the waist

Very often this type of give the pain in the leg and occur after an intense effort, and, after the exposure.

What about the reasons why you need to remember:

  • sciatica;
  • herniated discs;
  • Bechterew's disease;
  • renal colic (the pain is localized below the waist on the right side);

Back pain in the lower back in women

As the number of gynecological diseases and special conditions women can cause pain in this area, something about the symptom in great ladies should talk separately.

Classification of pain below the waist in women:

  • Lumbago. This acute back pain due to stress or hypothermia.
  • Lbp. The pain of this kind is permanent, but not its strong personality. It can also occur due to the loads of the spine (which are permanent), and also because of the sedentary work.
  • Lumboischialgia. The pain of this type almost always occurs in the leg. Occurs when the hernia requires rapid treatment.

Important! If the pain in the described area are pains in nature, are not a sign of serious pathology. Although, of course, also need an appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

The location of pain in the left side below the waist

Except that this symptom is caused by disease of the spine, it can be a pain, which is transmitted from the internal organs. On the left side of the body in this part is the kidney and intestine, pancreas and stomach, the spleen. The woman on the left is the ovary, a condition that can cause lower back pain on the left.

If the diseases of the internal organs is severe, is manifested not only pain in this region. The most common symptoms are fever and chills, unusual urine color, lower abdominal pain (in women, the failure of the menstrual cycle).

Important! If the survey did not identify problems with internal organs and systems, it is necessary to make additional examination of the spine.

Two types of pain and their causes:

  • Pain and dull pain indicates chronic spondylarthrosis'. Most often, the symptom manifests itself after prolonged sitting, after sleep.
  • Acute and penetrating. Acute lumbago restrictions of movement and is accompanied by a lowering of body temperature. The pain can appear after a bath, or even a massage.

The transition pain in the leg or buttock

The pain below the lower back often radiates to the buttock or leg. If the diagnosis doctor must account for this fact. This phenomenon suggests that perhaps the affected nerve roots of the part of the spine.

Also the pain that is passed to the leg and the groin, the stomach, and suggests a possible severe injury to the top vertebrae. Sometimes the pain even leads to torpor of the feet and the loss of the ability of the movement that indicates the inflammation of the sciatic nerve. More often it is observed as piriformis syndrome.

Which causes pain in women

If the woman in your life there is no burden of physical, and then it begins active weeding of raised beds or simply decided to wash the floor of the house, nasty pain below the waist can cause. Frequent bending and fatigue of the back lead to the pain, because the skeletal muscles are not prepared for this type of work.

Interesting! It is precisely for this reason, beginners in fitness can experience describe the form of pain. And even professional athletes, who give of themselves every day excessive, unusual load.

For harmless causes of pain describe the location include:

  • a sedentary lifestyle (especially in the wrong posture);
  • improper lifting;
  • excessive load for a particular lady;
  • hypothermia (draft or light clothing quickly make themselves felt);

Pain due to problems gynecological


Infectious diseases of the reproductive system of women can lead to severe pain. Gynecologists note that, in this case, the back pain is not pain in the nature, is acute and affects the livelihoods of ordinary women, join it.

According to various gynaecological reasons, the pain may be constant pain in nature. In any situation, make an accurate diagnosis for any particular case can only physician.

Possible gynecological problems that cause pain below the waist:

  • In the critical days in the body increases the amount of substances responsible for the sensation of pain. For this reason, you can experience nagging pains in the bottom of the lower part of the back and the lower part of the abdomen. You need to get checked out by your doctor, but some of the emergency measures in a situation such as this, there is: wait until the pain passes.
  • During pregnancy, especially in the last stages. All is clear: the pressure at the bottom of the back increases with the increase of weight of the foetus. In addition, the organism they are produced by the hormone progesterone, which leads to the weakening of the joints and the ligaments.
  • If the pain appeared in the early months of pregnancy, is a dangerous disease. Indicates that there are risks of detachment of the ovum. Often nagging pain in the low back when this threat is accompanied by brown discharge.
  • Endometritis. The lining of the uterus is the mucous structure, which hold different of the inflammation. Therefore, if this happens, the symptoms of a be bright and without a visit to the gynecologist is not enough.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, cyst rupture or apoplexy eggs – the cause of a strong pain in the lumbar region. The pain is located at the bottom part, that they need to be hospitalized.

If a person has pain in the lower back, is not necessarily manifest itself sciatica. There is a large list of diseases of the spine and diseases of other organs and systems that cause a syndrome. To accurately determine the cause of the pain, only the doctor depending on its location, its character, and other related symptoms.

You should not attempt to self-diagnose myself. It is necessary to consult a doctor, for example, to the therapist, and tell them about your condition and pass the corresponding tests. Take care of yourself and not self-medication without consulting a doctor, because often this kind of interference in their health leads to tragic consequences.