Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back: this is perhaps the reason

Women suffer from pain more often men. That pain is not only due to gynecological diseases, but also for many other reasons. Pain in this part of the body can be a symptom of many very dangerous diseases that threaten human life. Only a doctor can diagnose and determine how to cure the disease. To self-medicate here is highly undesirable, in addition, it could just be life-threatening.

pain in the lower back and abdomen

Diagnosis, symptoms

First of all, any doctor asks the patient who suffers from the lower part of the abdominal area and lower back, the force, the intensity of the pain, as well as their other characteristics. He, in particular, is interested in:

  1. However, the type of acute pain, the pain).
  2. It makes their body temperature, being if the person is vomiting, do not throw it in a fever.
  3. Where exactly is the pain (lower back, lower right side of the abdomen, below to the left, the two sides of the heart).
  4. Does she: is vomiting, bleeding, fever, difficulty urinating, frequent urges to him.

Patients doctor asks whether the pain related to menstruation, possible pregnancy.

To diagnose the origin of pain in the lower part of the abdomen and lower back, the doctors take the following:

  • Produce an endoscopy of the stomach, intestine, bladder.
  • Conduct laboratory studies to identify a possible herpes infection.
  • Make a General analysis of the blood. If the test shows an increased content of leukocytes, increased ESR, then the obvious, is the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Take a sample of urine. When we increased the number of leukocytes or erythrocytes, it is quite likely, problems of the urinary tract.
  • Conduct ultrasound of the organs located in the heart of the pelvis. It is done to make sure that the pain is not caused by diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Make a special diagnosis to detect diseases that can be taken during sexual intercourse.
  • Conduct x-ray examination of the pelvis and of individual sections of the spine.

What caused the pain in the abdomen and lower back

The pain can have a variety of causes and disease. She is usually very strong when on the inside of the body, broken, there was a rupture and have internal bleeding.

In chronic inflammation, pain, dull, aching, nagging, and when intracavitary pressure which usually have a character vibrant.

Here are the basics of the disease, a symptom that can be a pain in the lower abdominal area and lower back:

  1. The inflammation of the Appendix (appendicitis). The pain is accompanied by vomiting, fever. Normally it is strong, very strong, but in some cases it is painful. Delay in treatment of appendicitis can lead to its rupture and development of a deadly disease – sepsis of the abdominal cavity.
  2. The infection in the system is excretion of urine, inflammatory processes in the bladder (urethritis, cystitis, etc.). In addition to pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, for these diseases also are characterized by the presence of blood clots in the urine.
  3. Various infections of the intestine. The location of the pain, usually in the lower part of the abdomen, but sometimes in the lower part of the back. Have to draw the character. Other symptoms typical of intestinal infections, including mucous membranes and the blood included in the stool. The doctor has to go immediately, because otherwise you can end up with a serious complication, sepsis (poisoning of the blood).
  4. The inflammation of the intestine. The location of the pain in the abdomen. Also remember to unsubscribe from the back and the groin. If the inflammation is ignored, then soon there will be a direct relationship between ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
  5. Colitis. In addition the pain pain in the lumbar region, in humans there is an increase in temperature along with bloating. Initially the pain is sharp, but it gradually becomes blunt (when the disease acquires a chronic form).
  6. Inguinal hernia. When an internal organ goes under the skin and push muscles, lower back pain is as unbearable that the person can even lose consciousness. Among other common symptoms of inguinal hernia should be noted vomiting and nausea. Without surgery can not do, and, therefore, an ambulance should be called immediately.
  7. Urolithiasis. The pain is periodic, the nature of his forceful, but can also be acute (when the stone begins to move). Location in different lower parts of the abdomen and lower back.
  8. Low back pain. The destruction of the lumbar vertebrae leading to pinched nerve roots, the appearance of a pulling pain. Its location in the back, but can give and, in the loin, and in lower regions of the abdomen.
  9. Neoplasms. Abdominal pain can also signal cancer of the digestive system and the genitourinary system.

For the not-so-common causes of pain in the lumbar and lower regions of the stomach include:

  • osteoarthritis of intervertebral joints;
  • arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis);
  • stenosis;
  • the scoliosis.

Also pain in the area of the body possible in the line.

Especially pain in women

The appearance of pain in the lower part of the abdomen and in the lumbar region in women are sexual diseases, but they are not alone. Gynecological diseases, the pain is to the right or to the left lower of the abdomen, but sometimes covers the entire abdominal area and lower back. It is a sign of this type of conditions and diseases such as:

  1. Premenstrual syndrome. Accompanied by a dull pain in the abdomen and lower back. The cause of the syndrome – spastic contractions of the uterus. They are observed before and in the first days of menstruation. Syndrome caused by inflammatory processes chronic.
  2. The pain Menstrual. During menstruation the female uterus begins to grow, to reduce, to make the body easier to get rid of the formation of blood clots. Painful manifestations in the abdomen and in the lumbar region caused by these intense contractions. That the women of the less stable hormonal background, the more painful symptoms. If she had given birth, these symptoms of pain speaking of serious diseases.
  3. Cysts and other benign tumors.
  4. Ovarian apoplexy. It happens after sex, physical exertion, when a follicle Mature, with an egg, it breaks. The location of the pain in the lower part of the abdomen, but is felt in the lower back. The nature of their acute. Associated symptoms – dizziness, nausea, General weakness.
  5. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes, the vagina or the uterus. The pain is intense, sharp. Delay the treatment of these inflammations is impossible.
  6. A tilted uterus. He peaks caused by genetics. The location of the pain, symptoms is lower abdomen. Have a spin character.
  7. Adnexitis – the so-called inflammation of the uterine appendages. The disease usually begins after birth, abortion. At first the pain is mild, its location in the abdomen. If left untreated, will develop peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum of the pelvis). Then, the pain becomes unbearable, its location will move to the groin (right or left).
  8. Fibroids. This is a benign tumor that is often localized in the lower part of the abdominal area and the lumbar region of the body. Usually accompanied by cramps, painful attacks.
  9. Ectopic pregnancy. After the fertilized egg attaches to the fallopian tube, an unpleasant nagging pains in the lower part of the abdomen (right or left), which give in the waist. Various forces of bleeding, loss of consciousness – the most common symptoms of this disease. The pain symptoms are aggravated in movement and defecation. To remove an ectopic pregnancy should be immediately – otherwise avoid tubal rupture.
  10. Endometriosis (inflammation in the area of the uterus and ovaries). Pain in the presence of this disease is particularly strong during the period.
  11. Ovarian rupture. Pain in the lower abdominal area in this disease are unbearable, led to the loss of consciousness. Patients with this disorder requires urgent surgery because there is a great danger of infection of the abdomen, then crawling in his blood.
  12. The detachment of the placenta before the due date of the pregnancy. The placenta separates from the wall of the uterus before the baby was born. The disease is accompanied by a strong pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Your character is stupid, progressive, paroxysmal. Other symptoms include bleeding, and problems with cardiac activity of the fetus.
  13. The risk of miscarriage. The pain is most strong in the abdomen, but the lumbar region is weaker.
  14. Premature birth. Accompanied by cramps and pulling pain in the lumbar region or lower part of the abdomen.

The lower part of the abdomen and lower back can hurt immediately after an abortion. Here the pain is a signal that the abortion was carried out successfully, the fertilized egg is removed only partially. To treat of urgent need, otherwise there will be sepsis.

Sick after too rough of sex, after the rupture of the walls or vault of the vagina, cervical erosion, causing damage.

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If after sex not only feels the pain, but also highlights the blood, the woman probably going to pick up any type of infection (usually chlamydia).

Polyps – another reason for the pain appear in the lower part of the abdomen after sexual intercourse. Often bleed. Polyps should be removed because sometimes they turn into cancer.

The pain symptoms along with bleeding after sex can be caused by dysplasia (abnormal cell changes of the cervix).

Also women have pain in these areas of the abdomen can be caused by psychogenic factors, be caused by stress, frustration, depressive disorders. In this case, the woman should consult a therapist or psychiatrist and maybe psihofarmakoterapia.

Why the lower part of the abdomen and lower back pain in men

In men, they are sick much less often than women. The main reasons for this (and women) are diseases of the reproductive system. These include:

  1. Prostatitis. It is for him this type of pain usually appear. Pain during urination or bowel movements is another symptom of the inflammation of the prostate.

How to get rid of this kind of pain

Doctors recommend that you do not self-medicate to try to remove them with painkillers. The first thing to do is to go to the doctor that makes the diagnosis, prescribe the proper treatment. Medical care for these pains is necessary if:

  • Are kept over an hour.
  • Is its gain, when the person moves or coughs.
  • Longer than one day, no bowel movements, but there is flatulence.
  • In Calais there are blood clots or there is an artificial black color (a sign of internal bleeding).

Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back pain have many causes and are invoked like regular muscle tension during exercise, and of so formidable a disease as sepsis, which occurs when the rupture of an internal organ. Self here does not a diagnosis make, and without a doctor can not do. Only he can explain and help you get rid of suffering. Try to get rid of the pain in itself is a dangerous undertaking, which could end in tragedy. So, the main thing is to not be afraid to rely on the doctors, since it affects our health, and, therefore, the quality of life.