The types and causes of back pain

Back pain is a phenomenon that is inevitable that we face in our life, sooner or later. Even if they are not sleepers stacker or loader, not a woman who brings home a lot of newspapers pound bags, not the Amateur gardener working in the garden of his dacha in the spring, the time of sowing, and not an athlete weightlifter pain can not be avoided anyway. You can only wonder seems to be sitting, don't force all day on the computer, there is virtually no loads, but at the end of the day it starts to hurt and the lower back discomfort occurs in the neck, shoulder area and shoulders. What is the matter? Why for no reason back pain?

Back pain

Why back pain and how to treat it

Shock wave therapy is one of the most effective treatments for back pain, of different origin. The main advantage of this technique is considered the quick relief of the pain syndrome. In only 4-5 sessions, you can forget about the problem. We offer you to see how the treatment of back pain with shock wave therapy in the medical centres of Moscow.

In fact, the causes of back pain are a lot. And the first of them was anatomical. The core design of many links, when it is in a vertical position, it is very fragile: it undergoes a longitudinal (compression) and transversal loads. To be strictly vertical, it can only be in a state of tension, that is to say, if the ends of tie strings and pull them — the web is simple, and is that the ropes to let go and take a shaky, crooked.

Something like this reminds us of the spine: it performs the role of Central hub of this remarkable bio-design — the human body, and the role of the tightening of the threads of perform the muscles of the back. Now imagine that the rod is still attached and the body, with all its internal organs, so poor fibers-the muscles need to withstand not only the weight of the spine of the rod, but the weight of the body, and constantly.

Unwittingly come to the conclusion that, indeed, the Creator we conceived the first Homo erectus, because "the fee for bipedalism" is a kind of prohibitive. Open any medical reference in the section "Diseases of the musculoskeletal system," to check it.

The most common causes of back pain

However, the right to the conclusion that once a bad back, then surely something seriously sick is not worth. More than 80% of back pain can occur periodically for the following reasons:

  • a muscle strain due to physical exertion
  • prolonged exposure of the spine in the same posture during sleeping, sitting at the computer, transport, etc.
  • hypothermia the back to be in the draft, in front of the air conditioner, when leaving the hot room in the fresh cold air, cold bathing.
  • old previously acquired and poorly healed injuries (sprains, bruises)

Less back pain for reasons very serious diseases. What could be the reason? They are more diverse and are not always associated with damage to the spine segments, and the consequent diseases.

It happens that a person has some kind of a sick body, and that the experience of pain radiating to the back, for example:

  • when the kidney in patients the pain radiates to the lower back
  • gynecological diseases in women, the pain may radiate to the lumbosacral
  • in the presence of the tumor, pain can radiate to certain parts of the back

Therefore, prior to the treatment of back pain it is first necessary to establish its true cause, that is, to carry out a comprehensive diagnosis of the presence of other possible diseases.

Chronic back pain


Always be careful with chronic pain that is present almost always with periods of remission. It is possible that the reason you may not be as disease:

  1. Low back pain arising from degenerative changes in the tissue of the spinal disc
  2. Scoliosis — curvature leading to disk displacement, and the damage to them nerve root
  3. Herniated Disc with access from the unit of your core in the spinal cord or (even worse) in the direction of the spinal cord
  4. Spondylolisthesis — slippage of the vertebra superior to the lower, as a result of the deformation of the legs of the vertebra, making the spinal column is made as a staircase with exposed treads
  5. Bechterew's disease (spondylitis), inflammation of ligaments and joints, which leads to its immobility. It is mainly affects men. The risk of this rare disease in its development — the gradual making of the column for change in the internal organs: the lungs, the kidneys, the heart, the blood vessels, the organs of vision.
  6. Cancer — a tumor in the spine may be primary, but most often occurs in the form of metastases from other organs. The percentage of the total number of causes about one percent.
  7. Of the spinal infection tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, syphilis and other diseases as causes of pain are especially rare (about 0.01%)
  8. Compression fractures — a disease, unfortunately, relatively common (around 4%). In youth occurs mainly in athletes because of excessive loads, and injuries to the elderly — because of the phenomena, owing to the fact that the vertebrae no longer support the self weight of the person.
  9. Myalgia is a chronic, due to persistent hypothermia, inflammation of muscle tissue

In all cases, after the treatment, the pain and the inflammation you need to treat the underlying condition that causes the pain.

The type of back pain: causes and treatment

The most effective way to relieve pain in the back:

  1. Medical gymnastics (exercises for the back)
  2. Laser MLS (after the 2nd session the pain disappears)
  3. Hivamat (a unique treatment that relieves the pain immediately, but that should be like 2-3 times.)

The nature of the pain you can pre-determine its cause and prescribe the proper treatment.

Acute pain (lumbago) it can be for the following reasons:

  1. Complications of scoliosis — pinched nerve in the result of disc displacement
  2. Osteohondroznye deformation of the vertebrae and compression of the nerve root herniated discs
  3. Spondylolisthesis and other diseases
  4. Traumas and injuries received as a result of drops In this case, it may be necessary not only conservative, but also the surgical treatment.
  5. Diseases of the internal organs.

For the diagnosis plays a very important role in the determination of the back pain:

Acute conditions can be due to:

  • kidney stones
  • exacerbations of intestinal diseases
  • the inflammation of the ureter
  • rupture of the cyst in women and other diseases

Girdle pain is a very serious signal that indicates such possible diseases:

  • pyelonephritis
  • the aggravation of pancreatitis
  • stones in the gallbladder
  • myocardial infarction
  • rupture of the esophagus
  • aneurysm of the lower aorta.

If the back pain in the leaves, you could say:

  • neuro-muscular myopathy and paralysis of adjacent muscles of the leaves, resulting in the development of the so-called "winged" scapula
  • the osteomyelitis developed after open injuries
  • benign tumors and malignant sarcomas of the leaves
  • myocardial infarction
  • aneurysm of aorta thoracic

Pain under left shoulder blade sharp is also very worrying, as it indicates diseases such as:

  • myocardial infarction
  • perforated ulcer of stomach
  • neuralgia intercostal

Acute pain in the top part of the back:

  • pneumothorax (penetration of light)
  • pleurisy (accumulation of fluid in the lungs)
  • the cancer of lung and bronchus
  • attack cholecystitis — the pain is concentrated under the ribs on the right side and in the epigastrium region, but its impact is wide: the right scapula and shoulder, the hand, the left of the sternum
  • an attack of pancreatitis acute — the pain experienced under the scapula, left, in the chest, on the left and the heart

This stunning diagnosis, says only one thing: when back pain, acute pain, go, without delay, in the manner of self-treatment is unacceptable.

Acute pain (sciatica) — sharp dagger of pain of the lumbosacral (sciatica), often radiating to the buttock and leg can be due to:

  • pinched sciatic nerve arising from the degenerative disc disease, herniation and displacement of intervertebral disc, stenosis spinal
  • inflammation of the sciatic nerve as a result of hypothermia
  • spasm of the piriformis muscle
  • infectious diseases and tumors
  • at the end of the pregnancy

Treatment of acute pain caused by progressive diseases of the spine, as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and other, as well as its complications, should be carried out in accordance with the generally accepted scheme:

The first is a medical treatment for elimination of acute pain and inflammation:

  • bearing the pain, the nonsteroidal or steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants

After a course of medication, improvement of brain function, the nervous system and the circulatory system

After that, a direct treatment of the underlying cause of pain osteochondrosis, hernia, spondylosis and other diseases:

  • the restoration of the destroyed bone tissue protectors
  • physical therapy, massage, physical therapy

In the most severe cases, to eliminate entrapment resort to surgery, however, this rarely happens.

Persistent back pain — most often at the bottom of the back can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Lumbosacral osteochondrosis, spondylosis, and other spinal pathology in the stage of chronic
  2. Inflammation of the muscles lumbar (myositis)
  3. Adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages) in women)
  4. Heavy physical activity
  5. Always uncomfortable posture
  6. An old injury, often nagging "time"

In each case, the differential treatment. Combine both medicinal herbs and folk therapies. For example:

  • muscle pain well to treat dry warmth, with a belt of dog hair
  • when adnexitis long used decoctions of the special multi-component herbal

Pain in athletes and because of the swell can occur due to over-training, heavy lifting and sharp turns and inclinations of the trunk, which becomes rigid. In this case, the treatment is simple relaxation exercises and stretching of the muscles:

  1. Need to stretch out on the sofa on his side, tucked under the head and between the legs of the pillow
  2. Then, lie on the floor and hugging her knees, pull them toward the chest
  3. Lying on your side, stretch your legs at right angle to the body and rest your hands on the back of the head, tilt the head to the stomach
  4. Then, maintaining the lateral position, stretch and bend the top leg at the knee, pulling it closer to his stomach. Advantage of take the back and bottom under the head. Now try simultaneously two shoulder blades and the knee of the leg bent to touch the ground

The treatment can be supplemented, after after exercise by rubbing gels and ointments and massages, it is also very relaxing pulled muscles and calm the pain.

In summary of the above, we can draw these conclusions:

  1. Treatment of acute pain should be done only by a physician, from the time of their occurrence. Do not put the diagnosis.
  2. To find the help you need as soon as possible because of possible hazardous to health, and perhaps the life, of the causes.
  3. The chronic pain, the nature of which you already know you can try at home with the use as a pharmaceutical, and folk remedies. However, the control of the physician still must be, as well as the appointment of a special physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, exercise therapy and other treatments.

Health for you and maybe the pain in your life will be less!!!