8 causes of back pain. In each number – its treatment

Every person at least once in life each moment with the back pain. Most often, this symptom is not cause any concern, and with independence happens. But there are times in which, ignorant is not so simple. Back pain, on the right side may indicate a more serious disease than the usual physical strain. In each case, to avoid the disaster, it is necessary to analyze all the possible causes of back pain, and if necessary, seek medical help.

back pain

The first reason. Uncomfortable position during work

The asymmetric position of the spine during the operation, the tension of some muscles to the detriment of others, or even too long "sit-down" mode – this can lead to regular back pain after work.

Solution. To avoid this, a chair in front of a Desk must have enough hard seat and a straight back. Sit there exactly, keeping the back straight, without bending the shoulders without tilting head down. The height of the tables is chosen so that its arms bent at the elbows at a 90° angle. If you wear glasses, do not have to force to bend to the table, or, conversely, to tilt the head back.

The house also need to prevent the "threat" postures and movements awkward. Do not wash in the tub, bending over it in a knot: use a basin, which must not be lower than the really. It is not necessary to wash the plants "at the position of the crab" (bent) – only MOP, with a fairly long handle. If you can't get somewhere, better get on your knees.

In the bathroom is attached to the wall of the handle. Mounted on the tub and near the shower, which allows you to sit, get up and out of the water without excessive tension in the muscles of the back. At the same time not slip in slippery tile or glaze.

When you brush your teeth and wash your face, do not stand over the sink, bending the back. Better to sit on a stool or to lift the sink of the bathroom at the same height optimal for your elbows.

The second reason. New tires of the overload

It is reasonable to give the back a break when fatigue is not yet manifested in all its force. Even if the comfortable position, the muscles that are caught in the same situation and the reduction of the voltage to the final push on the nerve endings and causes discomfort.

Solution. If the fatigue caused by long standing or sitting, the rest is mainly in change of posture. The task is to relax muscles. This is good to go to sleep, get up the legs. But if this is not possible, in silence at the foot of the five or six minutes.

The reason for the third. The back muscles are weakened and struggle to cope with the vertical position

The back muscles need to be regularly trained to support the spine without effort with age in the sedentary lifestyle is increasingly more difficult.

Solution. The easiest way – walking. If you have not walked, start with a half hour to not excessively tired. Help special gymnastics sets of back muscles, yoga, swimming is not for speed, but for fun, Aqua aerobics. But with the simulators need to be handled with care – it can give unwanted difficult to load.

The reason for the fourth. The discomfort is an uncomfortable posture with the night while they sleep

The bed should be comfortable, allowing the muscles relax. If you do not rest in the night, keeping the same curvature of the spine, that they had to "keep" the day the pain can appear during the morning.

Solution. Sometimes the pain in the lumbar region of the back helps only a pad or pad – helps to eliminate bending of the spine, which causes back muscles to tighten, and rest for the night. If the back pain regularly, do not dispense with orthopedic mattress – it successfully removes the load from the rear. It's not worth the savings, it is better to buy the product, proven quality. It is possible to check that the mattress is not false: put it in a plastic bag a large bottle of mineral water and sit at a distance of 30-35 cm. The bottle must not fall. There is also anatomy, the reception of the mattress. They perfectly relieve muscle, even if it is very expensive. However, they are not intended for sleep and not for a long time lying down.

The fifth reason. Heavy bags

A sudden or excessive pressure on the spine are the most affected intervertebral discs: they are compressed, sometimes pressing on nerve roots. The pain of hell, and it is best to consider at the time that these experiments are not for you.

Solution. Rising from the floor of weight, it is impossible to do all night, with the legs straight. Then, all the burden falls on the lower part of the back. In front of the heavy object should sit down, stretch your back and so, with a straight back, gently, "take the weight". When you need to bend, legs should be slightly bent at the knees. Supported by straight legs also dangerous for the lower back. It will reduce the risk of special belt elastic that gives support to the lower back. If not managed to prevent pain, will have to be treated long enough to take pills, pain killers, rubbing the sore place ointments. Best done after consulting a neurologist. Help to physical therapy, and massage – not in the first days of exacerbation, and a few days later.

The reason for the sixth. The pregnancy and delivery

In women during pregnancy and childbirth, the load on the spine increases by 2-4 times. Then the grown up baby firmly hangs up all the time to the mother. And to year, in general, is 12-14 pounds. Not surprisingly, spin does not stand up.

Solution. During pregnancy it is necessary to wear a support bandage style that it is better to speak with a specialist. And after childbirth should not be ignored, bandages, and sometimes a special safety belt that protects the lower part of the back. Which, by the way, it is good to use in almost any physical work. When carrying out any domestic duties, especially with a baby in arms, young mothers, useful for the coverage with a special elastic straps, which are slightly pulled back shoulders.

The reason for the seventh. Back pain during menstruation

back pain during menstruation

The location of the internal organs due to the increase of the size of the uterus is changed, in consequence, of the muscles, usually the support of the sacrum and the back, to strive beyond what is felt as discomfort. But if swollen uterus or other organs put pressure on the roots of the spinal nerves, can be very severe pain. If the added load on the muscles and ligaments associated with long walk (especially high heels) or athletic exercises, the back does not oppose the end of the day.

Solution. In the critical days of worth, don't exercise, limit motor mode. It is also important to wear comfortable shoes without heels and, if possible, 2-3 times a day to take a horizontal position at least 5 minutes. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids, and if there is a tendency to edema, in this period, take the infusion of bearberry.

The reason for eighth. Hypothermia of the feet

If in a day or two before walking barefoot on the cold floor or the ground, came out in thin, medium and light shoes, the pain may be associated with inflammation of the ovaries or pyelonephritis. Here without serious intervention the gynecologist, or nephrologist is not enough. If the pain added a sharp burning sensation when urinating – possible cystitis.

Solution. If you have had inflammation of the ovaries – signal the more likely it is that she left because the pain of the lower part of the abdomen can move in the lower part of the back. You have to go to the gynecologist, who will prescribe antibacterial treatment, suppositories, or tablets that you need to take a week and a half or two. For the future, consider that, in cold weather, you should dress more warm, it is better to prefer pants and closed-toe shoes.