Symptoms and methods of treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Top positions in the list of the most common diseases of the 21st century are held invariably by spinal diseases. The first line, in most cases, belongs to the diagnosis: osteochondrosis of the cervical spine - a dangerous disease that requires mandatory intervention by experienced doctors.

The disease does not spare anyone, neither women nor men (clinical cases of cervical osteochondrosis in men are recorded less frequently than in women, but they occur). In addition, the disease "gets younger" every year, today the signs of cervical osteochondrosis can be observed not only in those who have passed the age threshold at 40, but also in those who just yesterday celebrated their 25th birthday.

What is cervical osteochondrosis, what serves as a catalyst for the onset of this disease, why an epidemic called cervical osteochondrosis is taking moment, what are the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosisshould be a reason for a visit to a medical institution, how not to risk and eat a chance to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis forever? For those looking for answers to these questions, this article is intended. So first things first.

what is osteochondrosis

General information about the disease

This disease can be characterized by one word - dystrophy. It arises against the background of changes in the chemical composition of bone and cartilage tissue and brings about a loss of elasticity and strength from the elements of the spine (discs). Their structure changes, first the outer layer (annulus fibrosus) is destroyed, then the inner layer (nucleus pulposus). A disc (fibrous cartilage) that has completely lost its properties can deform, grow with growth (osteophyte) and shift.

The discs, by changing their shape, size and location, collect either the nerve roots (they can damage one of the 8 pairs of spinal nerves located in this area), or the blood channels (the arteries that are responsible for feedingthe brain pass through this area). . . In both the first and second cases, the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine clearly make themselves felt.

Osteochondrosis of the cervix is ​​the most common diagnosis that a neurologist or vertebrologist should tell his patients. Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae, as the most common reason to visit a doctor, is a consequence of two reasons:

  1. Anatomical features. The sensitivity of the upper part of the ridge is accompanied by miniature and fragility of its connecting elements (beads, discs).
  2. Serious load. The neck is responsible for mobility and stability at the same time. This can not but provoke a rapid "consumption" of weak connections.

This is why the question: is cervical osteochondrosis treated? worries a lot.

Causes of the disease

Before moving on to the point: how to treat cervical osteochondrosis, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence and try to rule out the factors that may cause it to start developing.

causes of the disease

It is not possible to give a complete list of catalysts, but it is quite possible to describe the moments that may lead to the fact that the signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine will not keep you inreception.

Main causes of osteochondrosis:

  • unhealthy diet (snacks on the run, fast food, lack of a diet and a complete balanced diet - this is a direct path to depletion of cartilage and bone tissue, which does notgets plenty of trace elements and vitamins that support his health);
  • sedentary lifestyle (another possible possibility is lack of physical activity, provokes stagnation of crest elements and lack of adequate oxygen supply to tissues);
  • genetic predisposition (in this case, you can ask your parents what to do with cervical osteochondrosis, they will tell you how to get rid of cervical spine osteochondrosis and how the disease manifests itself);
  • past injuries (need to get information on what is also cervical osteochondrosis can occur when the development of this disease was the result of dislocation or rupture of the intervertebral discs as a result of the injury);
  • diseases of the vascular system, of an infectious or inflammatory nature (in the first case, information on the topic: how to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occurs due to lack of nutrients that support cartilage tissue, in the second, due to autoimmune and necrotic processes that destroy nodes, vertebrae and discs).

Hormonal background instability caused by overweight or stressful situations, as well as inappropriate behavior (scoliosis) are two more reasons to get acquainted with the materials in this case: is it possible to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spineof the uterus.

Signs of the disease

The causes of cervical osteochondrosis have been proven. The bug work is done. Now the most important thing is not to miss the symptoms of neck osteochondrosis (in case the risk factors are eliminated too late and the disease has already started to appear). The sooner they are diagnosed, the easier and faster the road to recovery will be.

For convenience, it is convenient to divide all the signs of the disease into two groups. This can be done based on the main criterion: origin.

The first group is the phenomenon, the appearance of which is provoked by the fixation of blood arteries (caused by vascular changes). Compressed channels for transporting blood, saturated with oxygen and nutrients, can not fully cope with their task, parts of the brain do not receive enough food and lose some of their functional abilities.

signs of disease

The second group consists of symptoms, the manifestation of which is accompanied by embedded nerve endings (caused by neurological changes). In most cases, the vagus nerve (coordinates the condition of the esophagus, pharynx and larynx), the phrenic nerve (responsible for the heartbeat and the regulation of the respiratory process), as well as the nerve endings that innervate other organs of the internal structure, suffer fromdeformation, destruction and mixing of discs and beads.

More detailed information on how not to miss the first "bells" of the disease in case of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and timely use of the assistance that the doctor can provide is presented in the table below.

Symptoms of the disease

Origin Manifestations
Changes in the state of the vascular system dizziness, fainting
lack of coordination
memory impairment
decreased concentration
loss of visual acuity and hearing
blackheads before the eyes
ringing, tinnitus
apathy, depression
panic attacks
nausea, vomiting
Neurological changes pain in neck, temples, occiput (constant, paroxysmal)
radiating pain in arm, shoulder, intercapsular region, chest
shortness of breath, shortness of breath, choking
pressure, tightnessin chest, angina
lump in throat, difficulty swallowing, dry throat, itching

Important! If at least one symptom from the table above appears, it is necessary to urgently undergo an examination and begin treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Any other behavior can lead to more serious consequences, which can not be cured without surgery!

Complex therapy

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis, this sounds like a painful question. The answer to it is unclear: with the help of complex therapy prescribed by a competent qualified physician.

Fighting this disease requires discipline from the patient and strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist. In most cases, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be cured with the help of several methods of traditional and alternative medicine at the same time (only a doctor coordinating the patient can determine a specific program aimed at the effective treatment of cervical osteochondrosisof the uterus).

He typically selects techniques from the following list:

exercise therapy

physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis

Physiotherapy is an excellent tool for health therapy that allows you to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and improve your overall health. Solve several problems at once:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • relieves pain syndrome;
  • strengthens muscular corsets;
  • discharges the spine;
  • accuses of joy and optimism.

There are a number of rules that explain how to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis by charging correctly, without making the situation worse. They read:

  • group of exercises should be chosen by a specialist who has an idea of ​​the general clinical picture (age, chronic diseases and patient characteristics);
  • any discomfort during school hours should become a reason for refusing gymnastics (at least before consulting a doctor), as well as a period of disease exacerbation;
  • sudden overactive movements are completely ruled out, you must do it carefully without haste;
  • exercises should be done regularly (exercises from time to time will not solve the problem).

Massage (manual therapy)

Is it possible to cure cervical osteochondrosis in another way? Enough of everything that is needed in order to activate the regenerative properties of the body, relieve spasms, release nerve roots, compressed arteries and reduce symptoms, are the skilled hands of an excellent massage therapist or manual.

The general guidelines are:

  • the procedure should be performed by a specialist with appropriate education and experience;
  • exposure time in the problem area - no more than 35 minutes;
  • duration of a course (without interruption) - no more than 12 sessions;
  • any changes in the patient's condition should be known to the attending physician.

Important! Doing a massage for osteochondrosis or visiting the therapist's office - a manual with contraindications is strictly forbidden!


physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

This field of clinical medicine has found its answer to the question: how to get rid of osteochondrosis? It suggests the use of healing properties of various phenomena, including:

  • high frequency sound waves (ultrasound);
  • mechanical vibrations (vibrations);
  • electric currents of different intensities (electrophoresis, UHF);
  • ultraviolet radiation (quartz);
  • other physiotherapy techniques.

These procedures contribute to the initiation of positive dynamics. They normalize blood flow, relieve inflammation, relieve pain, facilitate medication administration, and shorten the time required for their absorption by tissues.


How to deal with cervical osteochondrosis, which continues to progress, despite all efforts to stop this process? Only with the help of drugs designed to eliminate the causes of this phenomenon.

All medicines used in an integrated approach are divided into several groups, depending on the action taken. The table below will help clarify the situation.


Group Action
Analgesics, NSAIDs pain relief,
elimination of inflammatory process
Muscle relaxants
relieve muscle spasm
Chondroprotectors activation of tissue regeneration function,
restoration of the structure of discs, vertebrae, joints
Vitamins and minerals
stimulation of metabolic processes,
activation of the body's protective properties,
improved microcirculation,
strengthening of the immune system,

The specialist decides for himself how to treat osteochondrosis of the neck. It can supplement therapy with drugs belonging to the group of vasodilators (to relieve vasodilators), antidepressants (to relieve nervous tension) and others, depending on the overall clinical picture of the disease.

In summary, we can give a clear answer to the main question: is osteochondrosis treated? Yes, but only under the strict supervision of a competent doctor and with the great desire of the patient himself!